Salvation What must I do
I am very glad you choose to continue to read on! First let us look at what the word salvation means, Webster's defines Salvation as deliverance or redemption from sin. One of the most important questions you will ever ask is What must i do to be saved? If you have ever listened to one of those TV preachers telling you to put your hands on the TV and saying this prayer with them, forget it God does not listen to the prayers of the unsaved, If you went to church and was baptized you still may not be saved, Baptism does not save you. If you have given to charity or to a church fundraiser these acts will not save you. You ask! preacher what is left to do? If praying won't do it and contributing to worthy causes and baptism doesn't get me into heaven what will? Romans click10:9 tells us what we must do to be saved. Yes salvation is just that simple you must confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you shall have salvation When Paul and Silos was thrown into prison at Philippi for preaching the gospel, at midnight they started singing and praying and the ground started shaking and the prison guard said "sirs what must I do to be saved? To which the preachers said believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved Acts 16:31
31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt
be saved, and thy house.
So the question remains will you do nothing and be condemned to an
eternity in hell or will you choose salvation and an eternal life
with the Father? If you should need help in choosing your path we
are here to help, you may email me at
pastorbrown@pfccc.org or
call me at 360-736-5055
we are here to help .