Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Churc Coloring Page Help

The coloring page is fairly intuitive, but may need a little explanation.
In the middle of the page you see the black and white picture to color. Below the picture are
four drawing tools:
- The Crayon Tool - Gives the effect of a crayon on paper. The color is not solid, and has some transparency.
- The Marker Tool - Use this tool to get solid, though somewhat transparent coverage.
- The Rainbow Brush Tool - This is fun! As you mark on the picture with this tool the color changes. Move your mouse in patterns to get special effects.
- The Fill Bucket Tool - Click with the mouse on any area and it will fill within the lines of the picture. Sometimes there are breaks in the lines and the fill may spill over into undesired areas. This is just the nature of the pictures.
To the right of the picture are the sixteen colors of color palette. Click on a color to select it. The color palette works in
conjunction with the crayon, marker and fill tools.
There are four other tools in the interface:
- The Eraser Tool - Deletes all color you have painted on an area, leaving white. You can select the size of the eraser using the size selector to the left.
- The Size tool - There are seven different circles of varying size to the left of the eraser. These control the size the drawing tool makes.
- The Trash Can - This clears everything you have painted on the picture so you can start over.
- The Help Icon - Clicking the yellow question mark is what brought you to this help page.